LeSS Talks: Agile Sustainability, with Jutta Eckstein

Download Materials Additional Assets and Resources: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juttaeckstein https://jeckstein.com/sustainability Juta’s latest book: https://www.agilebossanova.com/ Sign and support: agilesustainabilitymanifesto.org The full assessment: https://bit.ly/agile-sustainability The sustainability initiative: https://bit.ly/AA-sustainability-initiative

Dec 11-13: Certified LeSS For Executives with Craig Larman | NYC

2024 course registration will open soon: RSVP to reserve a seat Class Feedback: From Lance Rochelle: Optimizing Executive Performance: The Transformative Power of Craig Larman’s Certified LeSS for Executives. Drawing on my extensive experience as a Distinguished Engineer with nearly three decades in software development and engineering, I’ve encountered numerous executive training programs. Among them, Craig … Read more

LeSS Talks: Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams, with Bas Vodde

Download Materials Why would we want maximize dependencies?  Why would we intentionally create a situation when one team is dependent on another team? Is not it exactly what we wish to avoid, for the sake of reducing an overhead of dependency management, local optimization and bureaucracy?  YES.  TRUE. However this is mainly true about asynchronous … Read more