LeSS Talks: GLAD Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Organizational Design with Craig Larman

Synopsis: AI & Org Design: AI tools are going to disrupt many existing knowledge-worker roles, including those in product development. This talk and follow-up Q&A explores probable impacts AI will have on the organizational design of development organizations, and will be of interest to those working in and managing development, plus HR/People groups. Download materials

LeSS Talks: Professor Snowden, Answering Tough Questions For: Individuals, Companies, Industry

This topic was based on the questions, crowdsourced from the audience, for Professor Snowden. The questions covered: Complexity management vs. complexity reduction. This jives so much with dependency management vs. dependency reduction. Companies tend to skillfully MANAGE complexity and dependencies, with more tools, processes and processors, as opposed to reducing them. Any thoughts on this? … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Navigating the LeSS Complete Picture

Synopsis: How to embrace and digest the entire body of knowledge that Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) offers? How to understand what is foundational, what is minimally required and what is optional? There is an image on less.works site that graphically illustrates LeSS Principles, Frameworks (Rules), Guides & Experiments. However, how the aforementioned relate to one … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Focusing on Fundamentals. Reducing “Second Market” Frameworks.

Summary: Why do we need more fancy frameworks? Why not re-focus on having small successes with good-n-old fundamentals? The history of Agile Manifesto (AM) and Scrum has 20+ years. Yet, the % of companies that are consistent with basic principles of AM that can demonstrate rudimentary success with Scrum is still very low. These are … Read more

02/27 – LeSS Talks: Facilitating LeSS events virtually (using Miro, Mural)

Tweet Facilitating LeSS events virtually (Ideas, Tips & Tricks) Tools and platforms shared in the session: https://gather.town/ http://qiqochat.com/ https://www.sococo.com/ https://remo.co/ https://www.walkaboutco.com/ Additional Self-Study Assets: https://github.myshopify.com/products/octoplush https://less.works/resources/LeSS-complete-picture.pdf https://www.keystepstosuccess.com/2016/05/safe 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: … Read more