“Give Thanks For Scrum 2016” in Boston

On Tuesday November 22, 2016 Agile Boston celebrated its 8th Anniversary, by organizing Annual Give Thanks For Scrum event. The main theme of the event was: Scrum – A Foundational Element of Major Agile Scaling Frameworks. During the event people learned from regional experts about how Scrum is at the heart of major Agile scaling … Read more

LeSS Talks: Enterprise Scrum, by Mike Beetle (Agile Manifesto Co-Signer)

This was a blasting event, with one of the co-signers of Agile Manifesto: Mike Beedle, being our honorable guest. Mike’s presentation (outlined below) was followed by comprehensive Q&A.  Some folks were wise enough to have Mike hand-sign Agile Manifesto copy 🙂 Summary of Mike’s talk: Enterprise Scrum (ES) goes much further than Technology alone.  ES … Read more

September 13 – LeSS Talks: LeSS Conference in Amsterdam: Lessons Learned

Many thanks to Certified LeSS Practitioner Vicky Morgan for spearheading today’s meet-up and sharing with everyone her experience from LeSS Conference in Amsterdam a few weeks ago (also, please review Vicky’s summary of the conference on this page) Below are some Kodak moments from last night’s event:

August 30-31st: The 1st Large Scale Scrum Conference in Amsterdam

Tweet The first ever Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) Conference took place on August 30th -31st of 2016.  Budgeted to accommodate around 150 people, it was oversubscribed (around 180). The event took place in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, in the cathedral style audience hall Rode Hoed. What you will find summarized below, are the topics … Read more

August 23 – LeSS Talks: Agile Budgeting & Finances: unveiling conventional management mistakes

Last night’s meetup produced an exceptional turn-out of people. There were some guests from the UK: friends and colleagues. The following key points were covered: Triple Constraint Triangle of Conventional Management Why Agile Community understands Budgeting better than some finance people? Why Management Area is so “untapped” in terms of improvements? Why did Borealis abolish … Read more

July 7 – LeSS Talks: Framing a perspective: LeSS, Nexus, Scrum @ Scale, SAFe

This event was about comparing and contrasting the following four known scaled agile frameworks:  For LeSS (Craig Larman’s and Bas Vodde’s)  For Nexus (Ken Schwaber’s)  For Scrum @ Scale (Jeff Sutherland’s)    For SAFe (Dean Leffingwell’s) The discussion was very engaging but conclusive and many topics remained to-be-discussed in a future. Below, please find the … Read more

2016 Big Apple Scrum Day Coaching Clinic | NYC

Tweet 30 people were served at NYC Scrum User Event – Coaching Clinic!!!  Lots of fun and interesting discussions. Questions & Discussion Topics with Coaches: “Removing the noise” Growing agile advisory practice Picking up after failed agile transformations Transition from waterfall to agile Scrum at enterprise organization Scrumming in agency setting How to get good practice … Read more

May 11 – LeSS Talks: Coordination and Management in Large Scale Scrum

Tweet First, we covered basic dynamics of Scrum (roles, artifacts, ceremonies). Then,  we shifted gears to ‘activities on a typical project’ and the group 20, or so, did a “brain dump” of all possible activities they could think of at the moment.  Then, we removed redundancies, cleaned up the board  ….played “Who Stole my Cheese?” game, … Read more

From LeSS Toolbox: Causal Loop Diagrams to visualize System Dynamics

Introduction: When it comes to scaling, there is a common misconception that “bigger always means better”.  This misconception is also traceable to agile arena, where companies look for ways to expand their agile practices beyond a single organizational domain (e.g. many teams, numerous departments, multiple lines of business, etc.).  Usually, it is an existing (inherited) … Read more

Global SCRUM GATHERING® Orlando 2016

It was a great event, with more than 1200 people attending from all over the world.  Tons of great presentations and collaborative sessions.  Below, are some captured moments with my peers and colleagues – the people that made my personal experience at the gathering so rich and memorable.  The coaches and trainers of Scrum Alliance have always … Read more