August 23 – LeSS Talks: Agile Budgeting & Finances: unveiling conventional management mistakes

Last night’s meetup produced an exceptional turn-out of people. There were some guests from the UK: friends and colleagues. The following key points were covered: Triple Constraint Triangle of Conventional Management Why Agile Community understands Budgeting better than some finance people? Why Management Area is so “untapped” in terms of improvements? Why did Borealis abolish … Read more

Extending Agile Manifesto

In February of 2001, in Snowbird UT, a group of seventeen bright software developers got together to discuss software development methods that were lightweight and easy to implement.  The term that they decided to use to describe these methods was “agile” and the 4 main postulates that they all agreed to became known as “Agile Manifesto“. … Read more

Quotes from: Implementing Beyond Budgeting: Unlocking the Performance Potential, by Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes (left) has a long international career, both in Finance and HR. He is currently heading up the Beyond Budgeting implementation at Statoil, Scandinavia’s largest company with operations in 36 countries and a turnover of 130 bn USD. On Fortune 500, the company was recently ranked #1 on Social responsibility and #7 on Innovation. Transparency … Read more